While it’s true that Dutch cuisine is the brunt of far too many less-than-flattering jokes, it definitely has its highlights. Ontbijtkoek is a very typically Dutch spiced cake that is often eaten in the morning, whilst Hagelslag is the Dutch word for chocolate sprinkles, which people from around these parts like to use as a bread topping, also mostly in the mornings. By themselves, each of these is an interesting contribution, but probably not a culinary breakthrough.
However, when you combine them, it’s a completely different story. The spongy texture and spicy demeanour of the ontbijtkoek mingle sensually with the smooth brittleness of the hagelslag to result in nothing less than a taste and texture explosion!
Ladies and gentlemen, it was an exceptionally difficult judging process, but it pleases me greatly to present to you The Ultimate Dutch Snack! (*)
(*) At least for this week.