Get them while they’re still fresh! Go here for more information. I’ve updated the DRI set of binaries with a resume-patched build of 20030405 CVS checkout of the DRI tree. These drivers have really improved over the last month or two!
The plot thickens
Ed has written a letter to Robin Cook, the British member of parliament who recently resigned as cabinet minister in protest over Britain’s handling of the whole fiasco. The letter is also an eloquent and concise summary of the terrifying plans of the American neo-conservatives to reshape the Middle East. more Rudolph has also sent me a link to a much longer article in the Washington Monthly that discussues at length the deceit of these neo-conservatives.
Sisters of Mercy live
Last night, Ed, Frans and I went to the Heineken Music Hall in Amsterdam to see the opening performance of the Sisters of Mercy Smoke and Mirrors European tour. I’m afraid that I have to report that it was a dismal performance. It might have been the acoustics, it might have been the sound engineers or it could just be that the SoM are past their prime. It could also be that live performances are just not their thing.
America wants you!
Ed’s weblog is a reliable source of political edification and enlightenment. You should go there regularly. In anycase, a posting he made recently deserves some amplification. Ed cites this Guardian article reporting on Richard Perle’s resignation from his position as chairman of the Pentagon’s Defence Policy Board. This gentleman is also lovingly nicknamed “The Prince of Darkness”. More importantly however, is the fact that Perle is cited as the principal author of a 1996 report titled “Clean Break”.
Yes children, the word of the day is “BIAS”. This Reuters article reports that a chemical arms factory might have been found near Najaf. Fortunately, the article also tells us that this news comes to us courtesy of Fox News and the Jerusalem Post. I don’t have to say anything concerning the alignment of the Jerusalem Post with regards to Iraq, but for those of you who might not know, Fox News is unashamedly and quite subjectively pro-war and very much right-wing: in short, a propaganda machine that’s programming empty American heads with rubbish.
Switch to the Dark Side
Whilst everybody else is switching to Apple, here’s a young man who had an even better idea: A different kind of switch.
I’m famous in Germany, just like my hero David Hasselhof
Chris Venter, a good friend of mine who’s spending some time in Germany working for Siemens, just told me that my Radeon DRI resume pages have been mentioned in an article in the April 2003 issue of Linux Magazin. The article, “Das Transmeta Crusoe-SDK im Kurztest”, doesn’t seem to be available online. This would also explain the sudden increase in hits and binary downloads from the resume pages. :)
Bowling for Bagdad
Michael Moore, a brightly shining beacon in the American consciousness, has posted this scathing (yet justified) attack on Bush’s doings, in the form of an earnest letter on the eve of war.
Laptops in the kitchen
Computers are definitely becoming commodity items. Have a look at this hilarious Usenet posting to see one of the reasons why I say this.
Small Victories
Oh, this is SO sweet. This morning a SPAM managed to get past my SpamAssassin installation. I immediately reported it to the four networks involved in its delivery and at least one has taken immensely pleasing action: “Dear Charl, Thank you for using ****! We have ternimated the account for ***\**.****.net. Thank you for reporting the AUP violation. Please feel free to email us with any questions or comments you may